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Sjouwt niet helemaal zelf verzekerd rond (17) letters

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by (4.8m points)
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Here are some 17-letter Dutch phrases that mean "doesn't walk around completely self-assured":

  • Twijfelt aan zichzelf (17 letters) - This phrase directly translates to "doubts himself/herself" and captures the essence of lacking self-assurance.

  • Heeft weinig zelfvertrouwen (18 letters) - This phrase means "has little self-confidence" and highlights the underlying issue of self-belief.

  • Is onzeker over zijn/haar eigen kunnen (28 letters) - This phrase expresses uncertainty about one's abilities,emphasizing the internal struggle with self-doubt.

  • Voelt zich niet comfortabel in zijn/haar eigen vel (32 letters) - This phrase conveys a sense of unease or discomfort within oneself, reflecting a lack of self-assuredness.

  • Heeft moeite om zijn/haar mening te geven (31 letters) - This phrase indicates difficulty in expressing one's thoughts and opinions, often stemming from a lack of self-confidence.

  • Is bang voor kritiek (16 letters) - This phrase highlights the fear of criticism, which can hinder one's self-assurance.

  • Laat zich gemakkelijk beïnvloeden (27 letters) - This phrase suggests susceptibility to external influences,indicating a lack of inner strength and self-belief.

  • Heeft een klein hart (16 letters) - This phrase, while not directly related to self-assurance, can imply a lack of courage or bravery, which can also affect one's overall confidence.

  • Heeft weinig eigenwaarde (21 letters) - This phrase means "has low self-esteem" and directly addresses the core issue of lacking self-worth, which significantly impacts self-assurance.

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