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in cryptogram puzzles by (4.8m points)

Artikel over partner en gezinsbad

Partner en gezinsbad

Dat het hele gezin in bad is geweest, komt door je partner.

1 Answer

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It seems you're looking for a 13-letter word or phrase that fits the clue "Dat het hele gezin in bad is geweest, komt door je partner." This appears to be a Dutch word puzzle or cryptic clue.

Given the context, a possible 13-letter phrase could be **"familieuitje"** ("family outing") since a family outing can involve the whole family, possibly to a location where they might go swimming or take a bath together. However, this is only 12 letters.

If the clue refers to something specific and common in Dutch culture, it could be a bit challenging without additional context. Do you have any other hints or ideas?